Building your confidence one step at a time.

For the dancer interested in the world of competitive dance, but either not yet ready for the full-time program, or perhaps wanting to stay at a more manageable time commitment or level of class.

  With fewer hours and fewer competitions this level gives the student the opportunity to compete and experience extra performance opportunities.

A program built to enhance your training, and introduce regularly scheduled added rehearsals.

Dancers in this program continue taking their Mainstream Recreational classes, with the addition of a weekly Part-Time Program rehearsal to learn choreography for their competitive dance.

Dancers are expected to retain choreography and maintain excellent attendance. If a dancer expresses the desire to one day join the Studio Intensive Program, we will help support you to potentially reach that goal.

How it works.

This program is 23 weeks long, starting the first week of November until mid-April. Dancers audition in October, and if successful will be placed into their grouping (by age) for rehearsals. Open to dancers ages 6-18 with a recommended 2 years of dance experience.

Although not mandatory, ballet is strongly recommended as part of the dancer’s training. Being a member of the Part-Time/Enhanced Training Program does not guarantee any dancer entrance into the Studio Intensive Program (SIP).

Part-Time Competitive Fee $400 + tax (does not include costume and competition entry fees).