Fall in love with the joy of music.

Our one-on-one lessons set you up to reach your own personal goals. Learn from passionate instructors, and build your skillset & confidence.

Piano lessons.

Each lesson will incorporate music theory, technique and music selected by the student and instructor. Students have different abilities from beginners to very advanced. We offer every style of piano lessons from classical, jazz and pop. We have students who want to play just for fun and students who wish excel with a standard music syllabus.

Piano is offered through private lessons, 30 mins in length.

Guitar & Ukulele lessons.

Our guitar lessons include acoustic, electric & Ukulele. Our instructors teach guitar lessons in many styles including rock to jazz, classical, pop, and simple chording.

Guitar/Ukulele is offered through private lessons, 30 mins in length.

Voice lessons.

Students sing all kinds of music from their favourite artists to classical arias. Students learn how to breathe properly, understand how to increase their range, achieve proper pitch, how to project and build stage presence.

Voice lessons offered through private lessons, 30 mins in length.

Please add 13% HST to all tuition fees (shown at bottom of page).

Family Discounts:

  • 5% discount applies to 2nd sibling (for any program)

  • 10% discount to 3rd sibling (for any program)


  • $20.00 annual non-refundable membership fee applies to all students

  • Every “member” of our Studio families will be eligible for member rates when applicable. Camps, special events, master classes, Studio swag and more!

Music rates

  • Monthly: $102

    Full Year: $918

    +13% HST

  • Monthly: $199

    Full Year: $1791

    +13% HST